Forest King - Print
There's something magical about encountering a buck in the forest. Here in Boulder the female doe are a dime-a-dozen, they bed down in our yards, they cause traffic jams, they eat the greens from our gardens... it seems like there are everywhere. But out in the forest, coming across a buck with a full rack is quite a different experience... There's a brief moment of surprise and fear, and time seems to stand still as we stare each other down. As soon as we both realize that there's no threat, a calmness settles in, and I'm able to fully appreciate the moment. I find them enchanting, like something out of a fairy tale.
I'm also intrigued by the fact that as humans, we are the only species that decorates and accessorizes. We do this for everything... from the clothes we wear, to our jewelry, to the walls of our houses, and even our tattoos, we tend to visually enhance everything we can about our existence... For me, as an artist, this is my life... it's my calling. I wonder what it would be like if other species did the same? Would the Forest King wear a crown of jewels?