Leap of Faith - Print
This piece was commissioned by a client who gave me some serious artistic liberty. His request consisted of only three words: foxes, mountains, and bluegrass:). I immediately had a vision of foxes diving down a worm-hole over a mandala of bluegrass instruments; setting like a giant sun over the mountains, with music notes blasting like sun rays from the horizon. Along the way, the piece developed many different themes for me… the most powerful of which focused on letting go of control and having faith.
There is a moment in any decision making process when you have to surrender to the unknown. No matter how much deliberation you do, at some point, you have to commit to a direction, hope that you’re making the best choice, and simply have faith that the universe will back you up. I have found this particularly true with some of the decisions I’ve made along the way with my career. The first, and biggest of all, was the decision to follow my passion and make art my full-time gig. I had no idea if it was going to work. There was a chance I could have fallen flat on my face… but I had faith. I knew that if I gave it 100% and committed to following this dream… then chances were the universe would support me. Even though it was nerve-wracking at the time… it ended up being one of the best decisions of my life, and I’m so incredibly grateful.
I hope that this piece, and the intentions within it might help support some of you through a challenging decision… and come out smiling on the other end! Here’s to taking that leap!
*bonus info - This piece was actually a gift from one partner to another. The person receiving the piece is a huge Greensky Bluegrass fan, and his favorite song is “Windshield”… the music notation blasting off the horizon contains the actual notes for the guitar and mandolin from that song:)