The Dreamcatchers - Collab with Mr. Melty - Limited Edition 18x24 Print
✨The Dreamcatchers✨
I’m super stoked to release this brand new collaboration with my friend Mr.Melty! Printed with archival inks on heavy-duty semi-matte photo paper, these look fantastic!
This was a really fun piece to work on, and I love the synergy between our two styles that emerged. When coming up with a title, my mind went in a million different directions… there’s so much to work with here, it was challenging to narrow it down. In fact, I lost a lot of sleep last night trying to figure it out. I was stoked when the lightbulb finally went off (no pun intended 🤪) and I arrived at “The Dreamcatchers” This also speaks to the title of the piece from which my two jumping foxes came… “Leap of Faith” - a nod at how scary big life decisions can be, and in order to follow your passions, sometimes all you can do is trust your instincts and commit - take a leap of faith. This has been true for me at many points throughout my life, but especially with the decision to commit to a life of making art for a living. It was certainly nerve-wracking, but also full of joy and excitement. And, one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
It’s that leap of faith which has allowed me to follow my dreams for the past two decades. To not only follow, but to indeed catch many of those dreams. One of which was to open my own gallery. And beyond that, to have the opportunity to share the love and support by showcasing fellow artists that I admire.
I feel immense gratitude for the support I’ve been shown on this journey. It’s my hope and dream to continue sharing this support throughout the artistic community I’m blessed to be surrounded by. I hope you guys enjoy this piece, and please know that by purchasing one of the prints, you are supporting not only myself and Kevin, but the gallery as it’s own entity 🙏 It’s become a container for some incredible community gatherings - and tomorrow night is going to be another shining example. I hope you all can join us! Much love ❤️