Flight of the Grizzly - Print
I have always had a serious fascination with bears. They are the largest and strongest creatures to inhabit the mountains. Their power demands respect, and I’m always humbled in their presence.
The symbolism of the bear totem focuses on inner strength through meditation and introspection, leading eventually to illumination; as these massive creatures spend much of their lives in solitude during hibernation… Then, when spring comes around they burst into action. Capable of running upwards of 50mph, charging across rugged mountain sides and through raging rivers, they have to ability to go from lumbering giant, to flying beast in a heartbeat.
This symbolism feels particularly important to me at this point in my life as I am in a similar state. This past winter I have been hard at work to open my new gallery to the world… Behind closed doors, this has been a stage focusing on inner strength and meditation, building a solid foundation upon which to fly forward into illumination. Kind of like the grizzly bear coming out of his cave… we are about to open the doors to something special in Boulder, I cannot wait to share it with all of you very soon!