Parrots in a Palm Tree - Print


I have this crazy "Pony Tail" palm tree that is about 15 years old and 7 feet tall. I actually inherited it from a landlord in Boulder about 4 years ago, so it's traveled with me for a while now. About once a year I rotate it 180 degrees and the branches will bend around themselves back to towards the sunlight. It's amazing. It also casts some awesome shadows on the wall at night. Ever since I first saw it, I knew that I would have to incorporate it into a drawing someday. It really reminds me of the trees from the Dr. Suess books, which are definitely one of my biggest influences. I also took a great photo of these parrots a few years ago in the Cayman Islands, and since I have been drawing crazy-colorful animals lately...I thought I would bring these guys into the mix. So here we have "Parrots in a Palm Tree".

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