Sunrise Circle - Print
It’s hard to believe, but I’ve been living in Boulder for almost two decades now! And I’m still discovering inspiring scenes to fuel my artistic fire. Sunrise Circle Amphitheater, just a few miles up Flagstaff Mountain is certainly no exception! This rustic stone amphitheater sits on the edge of the mountain with breathtaking views of the Flatirons and eastern plains. Watching the sunrise from this special place is jaw-drop-ing-ly-gourgeous:) There is something so magical about rising with the sun. It inspires me to set bold intentions for the day, and step forward with determination to live life to the fullest!
This piece was commissioned by some friends to commemorate their marriage at this site 10 years ago. I held intention for them during the creation of this piece to honor their love for each other. Committing to marriage, raising a family, and planting roots are no easy feats. It takes courage, stamina, flexibility, and devotion. It can be extremely challenging, but also one of the most beautiful and rewarding decisions in life. There is strength in numbers, and in community. I hope that this piece can inspire us to grow together and reach our fullest potential as one. Much love!