The Red Dragon - Print
When my brothers and I were little, our dad used to tell us bedtime stories. He would make them up, and they were usually pretty creative and far-fetched. My dad is quite a character himself, and between his super thick Welsh accent and wild imagination, his stories were captivating to say the least. Our favorite story was one about a red dragon that lived in a cave on the hillside above town. The dragon would go on all kinds of adventures, but the best part about the story was that the ending always changed, my dad would mix it up every night... and we would always fall asleep before the ending. So we would want to hear the story again and again, night after night.
I feel the story of the red dragon has some appropriate parallels to the Electric Forest. Every time you walk beneath the arch and past the giant owl sculptures welcoming you to the Sherwood Forest, you're never quite sure where you're adventures will take you. It could go a million different directions, but one thing's for sure... it will always leave you wanting more and eager to return, night after night, year after year!